Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quoc Bao

By chance, for the last couple days, I found one of my favorite Vietnamese composers on Facebook.
He is Quoc Bao, the author of so many wonderful songs such as Bai tinh ca cho giai nhan, Yeu, Nhu nam me ma thoi, Am anh...
I am so glad. I behave like a groupy...LOL
I always compare him to chu Trinh Cong Son because his music is minimal, but the lyric is very sophisticated and complicated... He is one of the young composers that has old soul, writes about beauty, a kind of strange beauty that is haunted and sentimented in many ways...
Please keep haunting me with your beautiful music... I can not wait for his new cd Q+B coming out soon... so I heard.
This sounds like an introduction even though he does not need one... I will write more about him later, especially about two songs, Nhu nam me ma thoi and Am anh, Le Hieu sings in his cd V.

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