Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time does fly...

It has been 8 months since I write anything in my blog...
So many things happened in the last 8 months... but on this blog, time stands still.
Imagine in life, if I stand still, I will be left behind, and later, I will move backward. Life goes on in that kind of senses.
Today is Sunday, a second day after the first snow yesterday. Feeling lonely somehow...

Monday, March 22, 2010


What is it about LOVE that we all want and not all of us find it...?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Alpha - 2010 wishes

What do I wish for 2010?
Not a lot...


So, it is the end for B and me. We talked and decided to part from each other as of Monday night-Jan 4, 2010. I got what I wanted, but am still sad... the sadness is lingering around here, hugging me and slowly swallowing me... I am hoping and longing for better days...
I miss you B, but I can not do much different. I like your idea of us being friends... Take care.
As for my plan, I plan on to stay single for some time. Not going to rush into any thing this time...
Like I said, happiness is my quest for this journey...